The Imperative to Evolve

A 2021 Manifesto by the Creators of The Pavilion

The State of Society

Just barely into the 21st century, our institutions – government, medicine, media, science, education, and justice -- have failed us. With new and disturbing revelations coming forth practically daily, many are awakening to the fact that we've been sold a false bill of goods. Much of what we have been told has been lies -- and our leaders do NOT have our best interests at heart.

Modern Medicine

Even as the supposed COVID pandemic hit, conventional medicine was, arguably, hurting as many people as it helped – though this was largely covered up. Hospital errors had become the third leading cause of death, and deaths from properly prescribed prescription drugs followed close behind. While there are many well-intentioned people in the field, it has become clear that, to paraphrase Goldman Saks, “healthy people are not good customers.” Furthermore, over the last decade, the industry’s own scientists discovered that up to half of all medical science – all procedures, drug claims, and diagnoses -- were flat out wrong, leading several independent studies to identify the leading cause of death in the United States as "being medically induced.” Today, of course, guided by the medical tyranny of the W.H.O. and its globalist partners – it's clear that the end game is depopulation and enslavement.

Planetary Health

Over 7 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are dumped into our environment annually, contaminating our bodies and the very planet we live on, and forcing 27,000 species into extinction every year. Those which remain, ourselves included, are increasingly unhealthy, diseased and disabled. The numbers reflect this. Over 70% of Americans over 45 are suffering from chronic disease; we have the shortest life expectancies in the Western world; 1 out of 6 of our children have a behavioral disorder, 1 out of 6 will develop Autism, and 50% of our children are on psychiatric drugs.


Perhaps our biggest problem – which in large part is responsible for our failing (global) and planetary health -- is that our mainstream institutions continue to follow an outdated, Newtonian science model which was replaced (by quantum science) decades ago and reflects a totally different worldview. Acting as gate-keepers, all of society's institutions – at their core corrupt and captured -- have limited what we’ve been "allowed" to know -- especially in medicine and spirituality. By spirituality, I'm referring to the fact that energy is primary over matter; and what's been kept from us is that we truly are "spiritual beings having a human experience." To keep this from being part of the mainstream narrative, whole bodies of science, which would have put humanity light years ahead of where we are today, have been suppressed.

To explain further, physics is the science that establishes our worldview… our “operating system.” It defines what is possible and what is not. With the advent of quantum physics, suddenly life here had the potential to completely change for the better -- pollution, health, communications, computing, relationships, you name it. We learned that our thoughts and intentions literally create the physical world we live in... and that groups of meditators could lower crime rates and accomplish things we used to think were impossible. We learned that the speed of light is not an absolute limit, and phenomena like ghosts, psychic abilities, remote viewing, and UFOs, are actually part of the "normal"... not the "paranormal." Still, this continues to be officially denied.

Truth & Reconciliation

A Chinese proverb counsels, “Any revolution must begin in the heart.” From the Inquisition right through to today, humanity had, and continues to have, its dark moments. Yet, can we not choose differently? By seeing and understanding the truth – can we move ahead as the powerful, sovereign beings we are and start that revolution in our hearts? Now is the time to seize the opportunity; to make that "quantum leap" forward.

Quantum physicists have shown us that atoms and subatomic particles are not really solid at all, and they can be affected by our thoughts. It’s called the Observer Effect. This has led many scientists to theorize we’re living in a kind of simulated, “Matrix-like” reality. The ancient Hindu Vedas called this world the 'Maya,’ which means the 'Illusion.’ Has quantum science finally caught up with our ancient wisdom? Can we use these new understandings to shape a better future? Indeed we can!

New discoveries have essentially overturned the last 150 years of our most fundamental understandings. Yet, most of this knowledge is still suppressed, even today. For example, it turns out that “survival of the fittest” is not the rule, it’s the exception! Nature mostly exists in a dynamic relationship of cooperation, not competition. And that’s just the beginning. There is so much we need to explore, reconcile, and take in -- in order to manifest a world filled with more meaning, purpose, abundance, and harmony.

A New, Human-centered Science & Health Paradigm

By recognizing that God/Source consciousness is the basis and medium of transfer for all knowledge, power and creation in the universe, then solving our biggest issues can be as simple as re-learning how things really work -- and using new and more effective approaches, many of which were previously considered impossible. The good news: Efforts are already under way.

The institution of science, in service to money and political power, has also been taken over by dark forces. This has opened the door to ecological devastation, suffering, and the devolution of humanity’s potential. Seeing this, hundreds of internationally known scientists from all disciplines wrote up a "Manifesto for a Post-Materialistic Science." This document lays out how “conventional” scientific methods, based on a materialist philosophy, are now harming us more than helping us. Science, they charged, had been debased into dogma; into a type of religious "scientism."

As this new scientific paradigm, including qualitative physics is birthed, outside of emergency care, our health system will look nothing like it does today. Doctors and practitioners will use Bioregulatory Medicine, and advanced, quantum science-based technologies to uncover and treat the root causes of people’s issues -- even the emotional causes. These devices, which exist today, can analyze people’s vitamin and mineral levels, emotional stressors, and their exposure to toxins -- from heavy metals to plastics, to bacteria, to wireless radiation and more. Rather than the "sick care" system we have today, care will shift from fighting disease to keeping people healthy; no side-effect laden drugs needed.

A Human Centered Science of Design & Learning

Life is whole-istic. Every facet of our lives is interconnected, just like our internal organs which, though separate, all work together. Similarly, every discipline is interconnected, all of conscious existence is interconnected, and we are all interconnected with the earth. It behooves us to recognize this as a starting point... a transcendental one, at that.

Like our own energy pathways or ‘meridians,’ as the Chinese call them, the earth has meridians, too. They are called geopathic grid lines, and they’ve been mapped all over the globe. This is just one of the many things we must be cognizant of and teach, for as part of the earth, we are affected by these – in much the same way that we can be affected by, or even healed by -- the energies of gemstones and crystals. These geopathic grid lines, called Curry grid lines and Hartmann grid lines, can cause or exacerbate chronic health issues by disrupting our body’s energy flow. In fact, European studies have linked geopathic stress to cancer and disease. Yet today, few architects or laypeople have even heard of geopathic stress because the information, which doesn’t conform to our conventional science, has been suppressed.

This suppression of science, and qualitative physics in particular, has also kept people from learning that architectural design elements -- the pyramids are good example of this -- can also affect our health, for better and for worse. Thankfully, under the BioGeometry® banner, the true science behind what is commonly known as sacred geometry is being brought forward. It is a science that gives us the ability to "do the impossible" – like making wireless technologies safe, giving us healthier crops with no need for fertilizers or pesticides, enabling us to irrigate crops in deserts or coastal areas using plentiful and untreated sea water. And BioGeometry® can turn our homes and personal spaces into calming, health-supporting havens.

A Space for Inter-being

No blame. No blame. No blame. In the era ahead, the specialist, too, must start looking through a wider lens of inter-being -- as Charles Eisenstein calls it -- and synergy. It is the new ground zero for all of us, and from there we move out across all disciplines – exploring, revising, rethinking, and reimagining. To accelerate the birth of this new era, we will need to set up new repositories across the globe; hubs for our new community which can aggregate and curate the foundational information of this new paradigm so it is readily available to the public. New research programs will be needed, too, and we will want to create spaces where people can come together to share those missing and much needed, deeper conversations. In the spirit of a 21st century Renaissance, these might be defined as places where we can expand our minds, rejuvenate our bodies, and perhaps for the first time in many years, heal and nourish our souls.

When are these centers, these 'sacred spaces' for manifesting that better world coming? Whenever you are ready. With the (quantum physics) understanding that there is no ONE future but rather there are many many possible futures, we can begin at any time building our own -- as Buckminster Fuller would have counseled. And everything needed to create a happier, healthier, and more desirable future, from the teachings to the technologies, is available right now.


The Pavilion

Like a cross between Disney’s Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT), The Biosphere Project, and Canyon Ranch, The Pavilion is an immersive, 21st century hub for community that’s been designed from the ground up to curate and deliver the science, health care, and the information needed to create a thriving future.

As you walk inside The Pavilion, it is like entering the quintessential world of the future – with moving walkways, interactive science exhibits, and a stunning Vesica Center atop the pyramid, for TED-like talks, events, and the arts. Inside the sunlit main atrium, you will find a Town Center-type artisan village, complete with shops, healers, astrologers, and organic foods and dining. There's even a holistic veterinarian for your pet. Down on the lower level, The Pavilion's in-house urban agriculture facility is there to supply the community with fresh, healthy foods, and to insure future food security.

The Pavilion also features a Research Institute with a Learning and Arts Center, a Healing Spa, and a Fitness Center. The Pavilion’s advanced Medical and Dental Bio-Clinic features American New Medicine™ (bioregulatory) primary care, and affordable subscription services and medical cost-sharing insurance alternatives. To better serve the community, each week The Pavilion’s Bio-Clinic will open its doors to help those less fortunate, too. In short, The Pavilion is a pipeline to an expanded universe, and to a happier, healthier, and more vibrant tomorrow.